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Worship is the heart of our community and we welcome you to join us. In worship, we gather to give thanks to God through song and silence and spoken words. We hear God’s word read and proclaimed. We are welcomed and nourished at the Table and then we are sent out into the world to serve and love. Worship at Southminster is "traditional" in form and structure and marked by a deep sense of care, fellowship and hospitality. There's a place in a pew and at the Table waiting for you!

Summer Sunday Morning Schedule

9:15 a.m. Joint Adult Sunday School Class
10:30 a.m.  Worship Service
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Sunday School

Sunday School for all ages begins at 9:15 a.m. There are four different classes for adults, a nursery class (toddler-3k), a class for children (4k-5th grade), and a class for youth (6th-12th grade).

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Children in Worship

At Southminster, children are always welcome to stay throughout the worship service and make a joyful noise! Worship bags are available in the Narthex (entry area of the Sanctuary). The bags contain a children’s bulletin and age appropriate art supplies and fidget toys.

However, knowing that some children may have needs to move and engage with God and each other in a variety of ways, we also have these options for different ages:
Children's Message

Occurs during the 10:30 a.m. service before the scripture readings. All children are invited forward to the front of the Sanctuary to experience that day’s story and a brief lesson related to the sermon.


For infants up to 4 years old, we have a nursery staffed with experienced workers who are ready to care for and play with the children present. The relationship building that happens here is a great reminder of God’s love. The nursery is available for any Sunday worship service at the church and is located in room 213, through the double doors at the end of the hallway behind the Sanctuary.

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Baptism and Communion

In the PC(USA) we recognize two sacraments—Baptism (which is available to children and adults) and Holy Communion, also known as the Lord's Supper.


Baptism signifies God's grace that reaches for us before we ever reach for it, and is a mark of belonging to the family of faith. It occurs when an adult who has never been baptized previously or the parents of an infant or child who has not been baptized previously requests the sacrament. If you would like to know more about baptism please reach out to one of our pastors.

Holy Communion

Holy Communion is not only a reminder of Christ's supper with his disciples on the night he was betrayed and arrested, but also a visible means of grace, in which Christ's followers today are nurtured and strengthened. At the Table we experience Christ's presence and are called to share the gifts of God with others. The Table is open to all, and all are welcomed.  

Southminster Presbyterian Church

1124 Montgomery Highway S

Vestavia Hills, AL 35216, USA

©2023 Southminster Presbyterian Church. Website design by Digital Congregations.

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